
Rocket is a fictional character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise voiced by Bradley Cooper and based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Rocket was based on movements from Sean Gunn and an actual raccoon named Oreo.[4] Rocket is depicted as a hot-tempered mercenary and weapons expert who, along with his companion Groot, joins the Guardians of the Galaxy in their battle against Ronan the Accuser.[5] Following the Blip, Rocket remains on Earth as a member of the Avengers. He and his allies successfully obtain the Infinity Stones from the past using time travel, with Rocket contributing to the construction of the Nano Gauntlet used by Bruce Banner to restore the trillions of lives lost across the universe. Rocket fights in the final battle against Thanos, and rejoins the Guardians after their victory; departing for space, now accompanied by Thor.

Rocket made his first appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), and has become a central MCU character, appearing in six films as of 2022, and in one episode of the I Am Groot series of animated series shorts on Disney+, the TV special The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022), as well as in the upcoming film Guardians of the Galaxy


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